brand new in more ways than one
updated branding and a new website for the reopening of cincinnati museum center at union terminal

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a new brand, a new website

The largest project that I worked on during my time at Cincinnati Museum Center was the building of a new website, complete with a new brand. I acted as the project manager for the new website and made sure that all of the associated teams were on track. After the website was launched, I continued to maintain the content and make adjustments and updates as needed.

The biggest challenge in this project was conveying an extraordinary amount of information in a way that is intuitive to navigate for both new and returning visitors. With three museums, an OMNIMAX theater, a historical library, traveling exhibits, special events, offsite events, and the addition of the Holocaust & Humanity Center… there was a lot to work in!

We worked with Landor to create a new brand that focused on images and bold colors. Purple accents train the visitor’s eye to quickly spot places to click and learn more. Images were used to convey as much information as possible to reduce the amount of text on the pages.

Jason Perkins at CreativeDev coded the framework of the website and then I took over, along with our copywriter, to upload all of the content and images for about 85 webpages.

We were able to successfully launch the website in tandem with the reopening of Union Terminal. On time and on budget!